I’m feeling kind of like a rockstar when my book is showing up on some of my favorite Websites! When someone like Mr. Wade Nelson gives it a thumbs up, my head gets way too big.
GEAR REVIEWS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ELITE OUTDOORSMAN-HUNTING, SEARCH AND RESCUE, MILITARY SPECOPS published a new post entitled “Book – Public Land Elk Hunting” on 8/24/2013 2:06:05 PM, written by Wade Nelson.
Book – Public Land Elk Hunting
A new book written for elk hunters but it has a lot of helpful information for all western big game chasers.
Hardcore Outdoor reader Matt Dworak had something he wanted to say about hunting elk on public lands so he wrote a book on the subject and I say good for him. Self publishing is easier than ever which means that what hits the market is no longer controlled by the big New York City publishing houses and I think that is a good thing for all of us.
Matt told me it is aimed at elk hunters that are new to the sport but it has so much useful information in it I think it is would be a good reference book to have on your shelf no matter what you hunt or how long you have been hunting it. It is comprehensive and current so I would encourage you all to get one for your nightstand reading stack.
You can order as many copies as you like direct from dirtysdealings.com
Enjoy. – Hardcore Outdoor
Mark Whistler
Nice work Matt! Great job! 🙂