Just got back from Ben & Kiki’s Wedding in Steamboat Springs, CO. It was awesome!
For starters we were solo with no kids since Ron and Nanc agreed to watch the boys for the night. Unfortunately, even without the little guys we only managed to stay out until about 10:30. I guess we are getting old.
The setting for the ceremony was about as good as they get. It was at a placed name Fish Creek Falls and it was spectacular.
The reception was at Sunpie’s located in downtown Steamboat on the bank on the Yampa river. It was about as good as reception locations get.
We may have had a little too much fun there. Where else do you get the chance to have a shot-ski? A snow ski with shot glasses duct taped in place, very dangerous!
Kiki - The Bride
I want to do it all over again…and again…and again! I loved every minute of it.
I have the oddest look on my face in the shotski pics… I think it has something to do with the redbull and jager… maybe. 😉